2025 Nutrition Australia - Level 1 - Safe Food Handling for OSHC Educators (National)

About this training
Are you up to date with food safety requirements in OSHC settings? This training covers the food safety basics that all staff working in OSHC Services need to be aware of.
Nutrition Australia's expert team of nutrition and food safety professionals have developed this training to meet the requirements of Standard 3.2.2A. As of December 2023, this legislation requires all staff involved in the preparation, serving and handling of food to be trained in food safety (not just the cook).
This training is tailored for OSHC settings and can help meet and exceed requirements under the National Quality Standards.
Topics include:
- The importance of food safety in OSHC settings
- Potentially hazardous foods
- The temperature danger zone
- Receiving food and cold/frozen/dry storage
- Food preparation
- Personal habits and handwashing
- Cross contamination
- Cleaning
- Cooking, cooling, thawing and reheating
- Serving and self service
- Allergen control
- Food recall
Courses for individuals cost $45 (including GST). If you are part of a Service / Centre please contact us for multiple course discount.
This training is part of a series of online food and nutrition courses for OSHC settings.
About Nutrition Australia
We are Australia's leading not for profit community and public health nutrition organisation. Our vision is for a thriving community that is nourished through the food we eat and the people we connect with. Our team of Accredited Practising Dietitians, Nutritionists and Health Promotion Practitioners deliver training and support to help early years services provide safe, nourishing and affordable food for children.
Our other OSHC programs and services include:
- Nutrition in OSHC subscription for OSHC settings
- Professional development in food safety and nutrition
- Menu reviews and menu planning training and support
- Food safety supervisor training
- Parent workshops
Nutrition Australia also has approved food safety auditors. So if you’re a licensed food business (in Queensland only), we can assist with:
- Food safety program development
- Food safety program audits
- Onsite compliance audits
Please contact us at national@nutritionaustralia.org or phone 07 3257 4393 for more information.