2024 WH&S - Be an Inclusive Employer of Children with Abilities and Disabilities - Learn About and Use the Available Assistive Equipment (National)

About this training
Diversity and inclusion in the childcare industry does not just focus on staff, but the children attending early learning centres also.
Children of all abilities and a range of different disabilities attend childcare centres in Australia.
Enabling staff to function optimally, avoid working discomfort and injuries and offer children with disabilities a fair and inclusive experience at the childcare centre is vital. Children with disabilities also need to be enabled to function to their maximum capacities. For many children attending childcare centres, their disabilities may not be obvious or acknowledged.
This practical course will assist:
- childcare centre managers to create an inclusive and safe workplace, for both staff and preschool children of all abilities;
- childcare centre staff with varying capabilities, to become aware of assistive technology available to assist them to work and function optimally;
- preschool children, with functional restrictions and/or disability, by educating their parents and childcare centre staff about the availability of ‘assistive equipment /technology’ for use at the centre.
Assistive technology (often called ‘AT’) is the official industry term used for ‘equipment’. The way you work can be made easier, safer and more effective through the use of specific assistive technology. Learning outcomes of this course include:
- Increased knowledge base regarding the availability of commercially obtainable, adapted and customised equipment options;
- Skill development in the use of assistive equipment in the childcare setting;
- Facilitation of optimal work practices to optimally cater for children with disabilities in the childcare setting;
- Promotion of diversity and inclusion principles in the childcare setting to include children of all abilities and disability.
Learning Assessment: Multiple choice questions through the course. No further study or assessment.
Certificate: Available for download at the time of successful completion of the online learning.
Course Cost: Individuals cost $45 (including GST). If you are part of a Service / Centre please contact us for multiple course discount.
Course duration: 1 hour