Which Course is Right for Me?

Wondering which Level of Child Protection is Best for You?
“Which online Child Protection course is right for me?” is a question that we are asked frequently at In Safe Hands. Despite the fact, that we have many courses on offer, the answer is quite simple. Our courses have been designed so that the more child protection training you complete, the better equipped you will be at recognising, documenting and reporting matters of child abuse.
Level 1 – Legal and Practical Response to Child Abuse
2 PD Hours
We start off with the basics in our Level 1 - Legal and Practical Response to Child Abuse course (2 PD Hours). This is a ‘must’ starting point for all. This course is an induction course, so the course explores every type of child abuse and their indicators. The course also teaches you how to document and report incidents and how to deal with disclosures. We talk about Mandated Reporting requirements, Civil Duty of Care and National Quality Framework responsibilities. Everyone starts at this level regardless of the previous training they have received. This is to ensure that we all have the same basic understandings required.
The Level 1 course is specific to the work environment - for example Long Day Care (LDC), Family Day Care (FDC), Occasional Care (OCC), Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), Kindergarten/Preschool or Teacher.
Our courses are all STATE/TERRITORY SPECIFIC. We have designed the courses like this so that you don’t learn things that aren’t relevant. Each State / Territory has different Child Protection legislation and, believe it or not, different Mandatory Reporting requirements.
The next levels of training are for when you need to do Refresher training, under the National Quality Framework, as part of your role and responsibilities for working with children. These courses are numbered Levels 2-6 and could be done in any order, Level 7 can only be assigned by us. We have numbered them to make it easier to know what level you are at. While you do not have to do them in that order and can pick and choose what course you would like to do, we strongly recommended that the courses are completed in order.
Each course has a ‘NEW’ topic as well as a component of refresher Child Protection training. These levels ARE STATE SPECIFIC but ARE NOT service-type specific eg LDC, FDC etc. Topics range from the below:
Level 2 – Building a Protective Environment for Children
1.75 PD Hours
This is our innovative signature Child Protection course that delivers essential lessons for the entire community. It is designed to assist professionals and the wider community to embed practical child protection strategies into their daily lives and the lives of all our children. A fresh approach to child protection that really works – right in front of your eyes – every day. We all use sunscreen every day to protect against skin cancer, and now we can use Child Protection strategies every day to protect against child abuse. You wouldn’t let children ride a bike without a helmet, or play in the sun without a hat – so why let them out of your sight without essential Child Protection habits? This course takes a fresh approach to Child Protection using practical strategies that everyone can learn to use to protect themselves and others from child abuse. You will learn the 7 Steps 2 Safety and appreciate the way they not only protect children, but transform your relationship with them.
Level 3 – Early Intervention to Child Protection
1.5 PD Hours
It is important for Educators to understand and implement early intervention strategies to minimise the risk of abuse to children in their services. The success of these strategies is hinged on the ability to identify, support and connect the families to resources and services within your community.
Level 4 – Domestic & Family Violence and the Impact on Children
1.75 PD Hours
This course focuses on the increasing level of Domestic and Family Violence in our community at present and explores why people are victims and abusers, the impacts - both short term and long term of such violence on children and how we perceive violence as a nation. It explores the types of domestic violence, the signs, the symptoms and reasons why it is an underreported crime. It will further discuss your role as an Educator in the Early Years sector and ways in which you can help children and families being exposed to this type of violence.
Level 5 – Types of Child Abuse and their Indicators
1.75 PD Hours
You have now been doing Child Protection training with us for at least 4-5 years, so it’s time that we had a look at the Types of Abuse and their Indicators again. Patterns of Abuse change throughout the years so it’s a good idea to refresh your knowledge and learn some new facts and information about types of abuse. It’s extremely important to be able to identify abuse in order to document and report it as required by various laws. Upon successful completion, participants will be equipped with basic Child Protection skills sufficient to enable them to appreciate the importance of Child Protection, understand their legal obligations in relation to providing Child Protection, recognise indicators of child abuse, and notify concerns appropriately.
Level 6 – Identifying Grooming Behaviours
1.75 PD Hours
This course examines the importance of understanding how to identify if a child is being groomed by a person and how to report incidences of child grooming. Upon successful completion, participants will understand what grooming is, how to identify grooming, understand their legal obligations in relation to grooming and Child Protection and notify concerns appropriately.
Level 7 – Advanced Child Protection Training for Educators
1.5 PD Hours
In this course you will do a refresher component in relation to Child Protection laws, Legislation and Mandatory Reporting conditions, which will also cover when to report and how to report. Your skills and knowledge regarding Child Protection will then be tested with a series of scenarios and questions.
Your Legislative Duty
Our courses are designed to meet requirements under Regulation 84 of the Education and Care Services National Law Regulations 2011 - Child Protection refresher training and Regulation 162A of The Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010. To prove that Educators and staff know of the policies and laws, they are required to undertake regular training and refreshers.
The advice given by ACECQA is:
Regulation 84 might be met by attending regular refresher training or in-house workshops, completing on line training, or by other ways. Compliance with this regulation will be determined by an outcome focus; that is, whether educators and staff are aware of the current child protection law and their responsibilities.
Therefore, In Safe Hands Educators in Safety Pty Ltd recommend child protection refresher training be completed on a regular basis of 12-18 months. Please note that you only need to purchase one level of Child Protection training, however we acknowledge the benefits pertaining to Child Protection should you purchase more than one level.
Online courses are self-paced and you can log in an out as many times as required in order to complete the training. Once you have completed the course successfully, a certificate is available for downloading.
Courses can be purchased at any time on our website at an individual price, however Services/Centres should contact us on 1300 794 644 or enquiries@insafehands.net.au for group discounts.