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Manual Handling Risk Management Course Updates

Manual Handling Risk Management


Brand New: Manual Handling Risk Management for ALL Industries (National)

Interactive, customised and practical online training in manual handling risk management for staff/management in all industries

Workout Preventative Occupational Health Service has transformed onsite Manual Handling Risk Management training workshops to develop a single, online course. It has been custom-designed and developed, to suit workers and management in all industries.

Our courses have been designed so that the more child protection training you complete, the better equipped you will be at recognising, documenting and reporting matters of child abuse.

Participation strategies

The online course utilises several participation strategies:

  • Postural modification (sitting to standing)
  • Practical skills (case examples)
  • Interactive elements (you participate)
  • Gamification activities (fun!)
  • Pictorial and written examples.

How would staff & management benefit from participating in this manual handling risk management course?

Employers would:

  • Contribute to fulfilling their National OH&S legislative requirements and obligations.
  • Facilitate employee opportunity to engage in manual handling risk management education and consultation.
  • Be educated in safety leadership and the current medical evidence, regarding risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal injuries.

Musculoskeletal Injury Prevalence

Musculoskeletal injury prevalence in a workforce can:

  • Alter the health and morale of the whole workforce.
  • Increase rates of time off work.
  • Reduce productivity and efficiency.
  • Increase workers’ compensation costs.
  • Jeopardise employers’ reputation as a leader in their industry.
  • Effect an employer’s ability to retain quality staff and industry intelligence.
  • Impact a business’s bottom line finances and business strategy

Various Benefits

Staff would:

  • Be provided the opportunity to build capacities and develop skills in injury prevention.
  • Be provided with current evidence regarding the development of musculoskeletal injuries and the strategies to avoid risks at work and home.
  • Contribute to their professional development requirements and continued education.
  • Be enabled to contribute to the OH&S risk management consultation process.
  • Gain knowledge and skills in identification of manual handling hazards and effective problem-solving strategies, to reduce manual handling risks in their work.

Updates to: Manual Handling Risk Management (Various Courses)

Interactive, customised and practical online training in manual handling risk management and inclusive employment for workers in varied industries

Workout Preventative Occupational Health Service has remodelled the onsite training workshops, to add the following online learner-effective strategies.

  • Regular postural modification during the training course participation (sitting to standing);
  • Practical skills (case examples);
  • Interactive (you participate);
  • Gamification activities (fun!);
  • Pictorial (shows techniques); and
  • Written (simple language & key messages).  

Courses on offer

The courses, some of which are required to fulfil National OH&S legal requirements, include:

Is this for you?

Who would benefit from using these online courses?

  • Childcare industry workers (Hands-on working staff through to management);
  • Staff and employers across a range of industries, who wish to fulfil OH & legal obligations, build capacity in manual handling risk management and develop practical skills in injury prevention;
  • Childcare sector employers who want to build inclusive employment strategies and provide services to children of all abilities; and
  • Workers across all industries, who work in an office environment or who are required to participate in frequent computer use either remotely or at home.

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