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My Body Safety Rules

My Body Safety Rules

Empower children with disability with crucial knowledge of body safety and consent.

This book teaches children with disability about body safety and consent and provides them with essential skills to recognise unsafe situations. Using age-appropriate language and illustrations, it addresses the needs and challenges often faced by children with disability, helping them understand their rights regarding their bodies and personal space. 

‘My Body Safety Rules’ serves two purposes:

  1. The first is to educate children with disability on body safety and consent and what they can expect from the people who interact with them.
  2. The second is to educate family, caregivers, teachers, and healthcare professionals about body safety and the language of consent and how they need to respect the child's rights, especially regarding their body.

Depending on the child's needs, this book may be read over several sittings. Please take the time to discuss each rule, the illustrations and engage the child in the questions provided. Each child's disability is unique. Please adapt the text to the needs and abilities of the child.

Key topics covered include:

  • body boundaries and consent
  • respect and 'checking in'
  • greetings are a child's choice
  • private and public spaces
  • private parts are private
  • recognizing Early Warning Signs
  • developing a Safety Network
  • what to do when feeling unsafe
  • the difference between secrets and surprises.

Comprehensive Discussion Questions are included to further draw out the learning.

Suitable for Ages 3-6 and Ages 7-11

15.00 AUD
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